We created each Super Focus to help inform and inspire you to create a Focus in your community and become a Champion of Change!

Super Focus: 

Education Reform

Canada’s education system is at a crossroads. Teacher shortages, outdated curriculum models, and the lack of technology integration have left students unprepared for the future. A forward-thinking, adaptable education system is essential to ensure every student is equipped with the skills needed to navigate an ever-evolving world.

A young man studying at a desk, surrounded by books, deep in thought while writing.

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Why it matters?

Education reform in Canada is about more than just textbooks and classrooms—it’s about the future of our country. A strong, modern education system is the foundation for building a society where everyone has a fair shot at success, regardless of where they live or their background. Canadians want to see their kids, and all students, equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. It’s about preparing the next generation to lead, innovate, and build a better Canada. And that’s something we can all get behind.

Topic Details

Canada’s education system faces major challenges like teacher shortages, outdated curricula, and a serious need to bring tech into the classroom. Every kid deserves a fair shot at achieving their dreams. We need to help students nail the basics—reading, writing, math—and give them some real-world skills along the way. From B.C.'s jam-packed classrooms to Eastern Canada's aging population, every region has its own battles. We need our government to prioritize a smart, adaptable education system that preps every kid for a future that’s constantly changing.




- Adapting curricula to meet 21st-century workforce needs
- Addressing equity gaps in student achievement
- Integrating technology effectively in classrooms
- Improving teacher training and professional development
- Enhancing accountability and transparency in education governance


- 300 Focus Followers
- 50 Letters written!!!


- Strengthened core skills in reading, writing, and math
- Personalized learning approaches
- Improved student achievement across all demographics
- Enhanced work-integrated learning opportunities
- Modernized teacher certification processes


- Government of Canada Education Overview: educanada.ca
- Council of Ministers of Education, Canada: cmec.ca
- Statistics Canada Education Data: statscan.gc.ca

Focus in your community!

Just 3.5% of us can drive significant change in our communities. Follow, Share, and Upvote a Focus that impacts your community. Your click could be the start of a brighter future—let's make it happen together!

An example table of the top challenges and their related desired outcomes per region in Canada.
Success Toto in Cape

Create a Focus in Your Region and WIN!

 Enter the Champions of Change contest by creating a focus that matters in your community. 5 Champion ideas will get 50 free letters mailed directly to their government reps.

That’s 50 ways to say, “WE can't be ignored.”

Toto is Just Getting Started!

When just 3.5% of us rally behind a cause, we can pretty much move mountains. Whether you’re fired up about something or just tired of waiting for someone else to fix it—start your own Focus or sign up to follow Toto. You’ve got the power, and we’ve got the letters!

Toto's mission is to help you unleash your community and drive real change. We are just in the building phase so register now for early access to our platform!